The Purpose of this Article In this article, I describe PCs and development environments I recommend for those who want to become a web developer. I’ll not only list up PCs but also describe why I use them and how. When you develop web systems, PCs and development environments are the things you will deal with first and continue working with. It’s useful for you to understand if you want to acquire skills efficiently.
In this article, I describe how to effectively convey your background in order to get a job as an IT developer when you have limited or no experience. When I say “inexperienced” I’m referring to those who have never had any job in the IT category and have had no chance to take Computer Science classes. The conditions and methods aren’t dependent on age, educational backgrounds, gender. The methods I’m
The time was Mar. 2020, working from home has become popular in Japan. So, you might also be setting up the work environment in your home. If you are an IT developer, you may have placed multiple PC displays on your desk, as I did. The best environment, specifically how many of what inch display to use, in order to increase productivity, depends on the individual. Some people need just one small laptop without external displays, and other people need multiple large displays.
My techlog-simple theme was in the list of Hugo Themes. Yay 🎉 Techblog Simple is a Bootstrap-based blog theme for Hugo. Made by @mazgi. — (@GoHugoIO) November 29, 2018 Hugo Theme Techlog Simple | Hugo Themes For details, refer to the following links. (gohugoio/hugoThemes)README#adding-a-theme-to-the-list My pull requests: